Top 55 GRE Vocabulary Words - GRE Word List

By 2023-01-16

Even the most devoted logophiles will struggle with the GRE Verbal Reasoning section's extensive list of complex vocabulary words. Where should you begin, though, learning so many words?

Almost everyone who is preparing for GRE tries to find a GRE Word list that can simplify their search for the most frequently asked Vocabulary in GRE. You can better comprehend some of the most typical words by consulting our collection of Top 55 GRE vocabulary words. The most frequent 55 words you can anticipate seeing on the GRE test day are listed below.

The list that follows is by no means meant to be exhaustive, but we believe it can be a helpful place to start studying some of the most often-used GRE vocabulary words.

Most Common GRE Vocabulary Words - Top 55 GRE Word List

Below is the list of most commonly used GRE Vocabulary words that you will definitely see in the GRE General test:

Extant (adj.) – currently in existence.

Example: Few historical documents that are thousands of years old are still extant.

Ephemeral (adj). – short-lived.

Example: Creative writing has made fame truly ephemeral.

Capricious (adj.) – unpredictable, whimsical.

Example: That catch was so capricious in today’s match.

Corroborate (v.) – to confirm, make stronger.

Example: Finally all the students were able to corroborate their research papers.

Loquacious (adj.) – talkative.

Radha is so loquacious, that is why her friends don’t invite her to watch a movie.

Esoteric (adj) – known to a select few

Example: Many jazz artists once deemed esoteric have emerged due to the greater access.

Erudite (adj.) – scholarly.

Example: That article written by Robin was a true erudite piece.

Pragmatic (adj.) – practical.

Example: Business is a very pragmatic thing.

Ambivalent (adj.) – having contradictory feelings.

Example: Every student gets an ambivalent feeling on their first day of college.

Soporific (adj.) – inducing sleep.

Example: Some lectures are so soporific.

Prolific (adj.) – producing or creating abundantly.

Example: Irving Berlin had one of the most prolific careers in song-writing history.

Auspicious (adj.) – favorable.

Example: Why people thing that cricket match sometimes get auspicious

Sanguine (adj.) – cheerful; optimistic.

Example: Our college classmates are very sanguine.

Enervate (v.) – to weaken; drain the energy from.

Example: I got so enervated during my sports day.

Magnanimous (adj.) – big-hearted; generous.

Example: Some celebrities are so magnanimous even after getting so much fame.

Mercurial (adj.) – 1. Changing one’s personality often and unpredictably.

Example: Rohan is very mercurial around his friend group.

Belligerent (adj.) – Inclined to fighting.

Example: Why drinking ends up giving a belligerent feeling to people.

Fastidious (adj.) – nitpicky.

Example: Shyam is a very fastidious eater.

Reticent (adj.) – tightlipped, not prone to saying much, reluctant.

Example: Paul was reticent and preferred observing others’ mannerisms.

Inculpate (adj.) – to charge with wrong-doing; accuse.

To inculpate Rohan with the murder was absurd.

Anomaly (noun) – something that is unusual or unexpected

Example: Sonu's report was an anomaly, as her previous test report was excellent.

Equivocal (adj.) – not easily understood or explained

Example: Politicians have been known to provide equivocal answers to reporters' questions.

Lucid  (adj.) – very clear and easy to understand

Example: The lecture was lucid and straightforward, allowing the students to fully grasp the concepts presented.

Precipitate (verb) – to cause (something) to happen quickly or suddenly

Example: Unforeseen costs can precipitate a budget crisis.

Assuage (verb) – to make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense

Example: A massage can assuage the soreness in your muscles.

Erudite (adj.) – having or showing great knowledge

Example: High school students often struggle with novels that are more erudite than entertaining.

Opaque (adj.) – not able to be seen through; not easily understood

Example: Medical jargon includes many opaque terms.

Prodigal (adj.) – wastefully extravagant

Example: The prodigal prince bought lavish gifts and planned expensive events.

Enigma  (noun )– a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand

Example: Scientists continue to research cancer to solve the enigma of its primary cause.

Fervid (adj.) – intensely enthusiastic or passionate

Example: The child showed a fervid love for superheroes.

Placate (verb) – to make (someone) less angry or hostile

Example: A parent may decide to placate a baby with a pacifier.

Zeal (noun) – a strong feel of interest and enthusiasm that makes someone very eager or determined to do something

Example: The great emperor's crusading zeal led him to conquer many lands.

Desiccate (verb) -remove the moisture from (something)

Example: The heat and energy from the sun can desiccate even the most hearty plants.

Gullible (adj). – easily persuaded to believe something

Example: The gullible little boy gave his older sister all of his allowance because she told him she would buy a pony for him.

Laudable (adj.) – deserving praise and commendation

Example: Providing affordable healthcare for all citizens is a laudable goal.

Pedant (noun) – a person who makes an excessive display of learning

Example: Professor Blackwell, a well-known pedant, required his pre-med students to speak in Latin throughout the entire semester.

Vacillate (verb)– to waver between different opinions or actions

Example: Undergraduate students often vacillate among various majors before deciding which degree to pursue.

Adulterate (verb) – to make (something) impure or weaker by adding something of inferior quality

Example: Many chefs use fresh produce and refuse to adulterate their dishes with canned ingredients.

Capricious (adj.) – given to sudden changes of mood or behavior

Example: The capricious supervisor would hand out raises one day and fire his entire staff the next.

Engender (verb) – to produce, cause, or give rise to (something)

Example: Political debates can engender controversy regarding the subjects discussed.

Homogenous (adj.) – of the same or similar kind

Example: There are very few truly homogenous cultures since social diversity is increasingly widespread.

Loquacious (adj. )– tending to talk a great deal

Example: The loquacious professor was known for his five-hour lectures.

Volatile (adj.) – likely to change rapidly and unpredictably

Example: It is possible for a country’s political climate to remain volatile for decades.

Apathy (noun )– lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern

Example: Political parties try to engage young voters who are more prone to apathy than older citizens.

Corroborate ( verb) – to confirm or make more certain

Example: The scientist was able to corroborate his hypothesis with data gathered from multiple sources.

Ephemeral (adj.) – lasting for a very short time

Example: An ephemeral moment of victory may last mere seconds, but it can remain as a triumphant memory for decades.

Laconic (adj.) – using few words

Example: The student’s laconic response suggested that she did not know very much about the topic.

Mitigate (verb) – make less severe, serious, or painful

Example: We want to mitigate students’ GRE stress by offering helpful study tools.

Propriety (noun) – the state or quality of being correct or proper

Example: The students were instructed to behave with the utmost propriety while on their class field trip.

Advocate (verb) – publicly recommend or support

Example: The governor chose to advocate for a higher minimum wage rather than a tax incentive.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Top 55 GRE Vocabulary Word List

How can I Improve my GRE Vocabulary?

The best way to improve your GRE vocabulary is to go through the word list and try to use them in your day-to-day life and start reading English articles so that you can actually get to see how these words are used.